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Hårdrock/Metal-All For The King

Let There Be Light - CD

Art. nr: 408695

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    159,00 kr
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    457A4241-B820-406B-9167-C26B27BF088FCreated with sketchtool.1A046288-8442-4F7F-B65F-1304429FE643Created with sketchtool.

    Nu på CD med Bonusspår!


    All For The King är tillbaka efter kritikerhyllade debuten 2017. Bandet har kallats ett ”modernt Black Sabbath” och världen över har recensenterna en efter en jämfört Erik Tillings gitarrspel med hårdrockens riffmästare Tony Iommi och sångaren Ricard Hulteke med legenden Glenn Hughes.

    Bandet består idag av de rutinerade musikerna Erik Tilling – gitarr, Ricard Hulteke (Empire 21), – sång, Andreas Ålöv (Empire 21) – elbas och Richard Tonyson på trummor.

    Denna gång har de tagit ut svängarna mer och utvecklat grundkonceptet. Spelglädjen är påtaglig och i fokus är som alltid riffen och sångmelodierna. Men ytterst handlar All For The King om texterna: Att stå stadigt med båda fötter på jorden och hjärtat i himlen. Inte kompromissa med budskapet. I allt de gör försöker de leva helhjärtat och tänka ”vad skulle Jesus ha gjort”. Bibelförankringen är påtaglig.

    Släpptes digital och på vinyl hösten 2021. Nu kommer den på cd, med utökat låtmaterial.


    Now on CD with Bonus Tracks!


    All For the King is back after the critically acclaimed debut in 2017. The band has been called a "modern Black Sabbath" and worldwide reviewers have one by one compared Erik Tilling's guitar playing with hard rock riff master Tony Iommi and singer Ricard Hulteke with legend Glenn Hughes.

    The band today consists of the experienced musicians Erik Tilling - guitar, Ricard Hulteke (Empire 21), - vocals, Andreas Ålöv (Empire 21) - electric bass and Richard Tonyson on drums.

    They themselves think that they this time have developed the basic concept. The joy of playing is palpable and the focus is, as always, on the riffs and the song melodies. But ultimately, All For The King is about the lyrics: To stand firm with both feet on the ground and the heart in heaven. Do not compromise on the message. In everything they do, they try to live wholeheartedly and think "what would Jesus have done". The Bible's foundation is clear.

    This album was released digitally and on vinyl in the autumn 2021. Now on cd with additional tracks.


    Said about the debut album:

    "The songwriting is of such quality, both in terms of weight and harmonies, that it is easy to take it for original material from the era that the band looked at" (Urban Thoms, Daily News)


    ”All For The King is definitely a band worth seeking out if you have an interest in classic metal that does not sound dated” (Ian Webber, Crossrythms)


    “With so much great music flying around my desk, it is only so often that one really grabs my attention, and All For The King did just that.” (DougVanPelt)


    1. The Six-Winged Seraphim 

    2. Let There Be Light

    3. I Am He 

    4. The Way, Truth and Life 

    5. The Shelter

    6. S:t Patricks Prayer 

    7. Metal Gods 

    8. Let God Be God

    9. Moneychangers 

    10. Blazing Fire 

    11. The Return Of The King

    12. Song of The Lamb (Bonus Track exclusive on CD)

    13. The Seventh Seal (Bonus Track exclusive on CD)


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